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APA 7th Referencing

American Psychological Association, 7th edition

Online documents (e.g. white paper, brochure, fact sheet, ppt slides etc.) format

Online documents are PDFs, PowerPoint slides and Word documents that are retrieved from a website. 

Please note:

  • If the source material is likely to change over time, make sure you include the date you viewed the page.
  • Include the publisher if it is different from the author.

Reference elements

Screenshot of an annotated online document reference

In-text citation

  Format Example

... (Author, Year)


Author (Year) ...

Recent trends have shown that the average age of nurses is on the rise (Australian Nursing Federation, 2012).


The Australian Nursing Federation (2012) states that the average age of nurses has changed. 


"..." (Author, Year, p. xx)


Author (Year) "..." (p. xx)

Climate change will "add to social, economic and political tensions" (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2017, p. 33).


The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (2017) acknowledges that climate change will "add to social, economic and political tensions" (p. 33).


General Format
Author, A.A. (Year, Month Day). Title [Description]. Publisher. https://xxxxx


Common types of online documents

  Format Example


Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title [Brochure]. Publisher. https://xxxxx

Petsure. (2019). Cover for cats [Brochure].

Ethical guidelines

This includes documents titled "code of conduct" , "code of ethics" or "code of practice".

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title [Ethical guidelines]. Publisher. https://xxxxxx

Australian Psychological Society. (2007). Code of ethics [Ethical guidelines].

Fact sheet

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title [Fact sheet]. Publisher. https://xxxxx

Australian Nursing Federation. (2012). A snapshot of nursing in Australia [Fact sheet].


Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title [Form]. Publisher. https://xxxxx

Diabetes Australia. (2021, September). National Diabetes Services Scheme registration form [Form].

Media/Press release

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title [Media release]. Publisher. https://xxxxx

Merlino, J. (2018, October 30). Giving South Morang students more options for school [Media release].

Medicine leaflet

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title [Leaflet]. Publisher. https://xxxxx

Sandoz. (2021, July). Omeprazole Sandoz: Consumer medicine information [Medicine leaflet]. Therapeutic Goods Administration.

Pocket card 


Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title [Pocket card]. Publisher. https://xxxxx

Lippincott. (2021, February). Sexually transmitted diseases [Pocket card]. Nursing Center.

(May also be called Reference cards or Study cards)

Policy brief

Presents a concise summary of an issue, and includes recommendations.

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title [Policy brief]. Publisher. https://xxxxx

Centre for Community Child Health. (2018). Place-based collective impact: An Australian response to childhood vulnerability [Policy brief]. The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne.

PowerPoint slides

If the PowerPoint is available via Brightspace see lecture/class materials.

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title [PowerPoint slides]. Publisher. https://xxxxx

Grawitch, M., & Barber, L. (2009, March 4). Rethinking work-life balance programs to achieve better results [PowerPoint slides]. SlideShare. 

White paper

An organisation’s stance, or policy on a particular issue.

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title [White paper]. Publisher. https://xxxxx


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (2017). 2017 foreign policy white paper [White paper]. Australian Government.

  • Provide the most exact date available.
  • Where author and publisher are the same, leave publisher section blank.
  • When numerous layers of government agencies are listed as the author of a work, use the most specific agency as the author in the reference. The names of parent agencies appear after the title as the publisher.
  • If preferred, you can use a source like TinyURL shortener to produce a short URL.


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