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Holmesglen Harvard Referencing

Conference and webinars format

Conference papers and proceedings


Reference elements


Annotated example of online conference proceedings

In-text citation

  Format Example

... (Author Year)


Author (Year) ...

was shown in the feedback  (Winstone and Boud 2017)


According to Winstone and Boud (2017), the feedback revealed ...


'...' (Author Year:Page) 


Author (Year:Page) '...'  

It was shown that '...' (Winstone and Boud 2017: xx)


Winstone and Boud state that '...' during the trial (2017:xx)




  Format Example
Conference paper published  online

Author, AA (Day Month Year) 'Title of paper: subtitle of paper' [conference paper], Name of Conference, Place of Conference, accessed Day Month Year.

Winstone, N and Boud, D (6-8 December 2017)  ‘Supporting students’ engagement with feedback: the adoption of student-focused feedback practices in the UK and Australia’ [conference presentation], Annual Conference of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE), Newport, South Wales, accessed 7 October 2020.

Conference proceedings online


Author, AA (Day Month Year) Title of conference proceedings [conference proceedings], Place of Conference, accessed Day Month Year.

IAENG (International Association of Engineers) (5 July 2017) World Congress on Engineering 2017 [conference proceedings], Imperial College, London, accessed 7 October 2020.


Print conference paper
Format Example

Author, AA (Day Month Year) ‘Title of paper: subtitle of paper’ [conference presentation], Name of Conference, Place of Conference.

Hay, B (8-11 February 2016) ‘Drone tourism: a study of the current and potential use of drones in hospitality and tourism’ [conference presentation], CAUTHE 2016: the changing landscape of tourism and hospitality: the impact of emerging markets and emerging destinations, Blue Mountains, Sydney. 


Unpublished conference paper
Format Example

Author, AA (Day Month Year) ‘Title of paper: subtitle of paper’ [unpublished conference presentation], Name of Conference, Place of Conference.

Tomscha, S (29 October- 1 November 2017), ‘Wetlands for people and place: developing a blueprint for ecosystem service restoration in wetlands’ [unpublished conference presentation], EIANZ Annual Conference, Tu Kaha: Stand tall, Wellington.


This page contains the correct format for both recorded and non-recorded webinars. 


Reference elements

Annotated reference example for a recorded webinar


In-text citation

Format Example

(Title Year)


Title (Year)

... is mentioned (Blockchain technology for recordkeeping 2018).


Blockchain technology for recordkeeping (2018) suggests ... 




Format Example

Author, AA (Day Month Year) Title of webinar [recorded webinar], Organisation or Website Name, accessed Day Month Year.

Franks, PC (7 June 2018) Blockchain technology for recordkeeping [recorded webinar],, accessed 1 July 2019.


Non recorded
Format Example
Author, AA (Day Month Year) Title of webinar [non recorded webinar], Organisation. Stanley, D (8 July 2021) Emotional intelligence in the workplace: a webinar for nurses and midwives [non recorded webinar], ACT Nursing and Midwifery Office.