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English for Further Studies - Business

Using databases

Access: On and off campus. Log in using your network id and password. Read online or download / save pdf. 

Find: Journals, conference papers, newspapers, reports and other publications.

Search by key concepts

e.g. social media marketing

Search by subjects

e.g Auditing--Standards

Search by words

e.g. human resource management

Databases A - Z: Visit theDatabases page for a full list of available databases.

Google Scholar:Provides a simple and broad coverage search for scholarly literature. A good place to start if you are unfamiliar with the subject area.Find out how to link Holmesglen databases to Google search results to access resources available through our subscribed databases.

A quick guide to database searching

This is a brief presentation on the databases available at Holmesglen Library, and some searching tips.

 Watch video

Databases - Business