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Databases A - Z: Visit theDatabases page for a full list of available databases.
Google Scholar:Provides a simple and broad coverage search for scholarly literature. A good place to start if you are unfamiliar with the subject area.Find out how to link Holmesglen databases to Google search results to access resources available through our subscribed databases.
This is a brief presentation on the databases available at Holmesglen Library, and some searching tips.
Includes full text of Australian federal and state legal cases and legislation Australasian Legal Information.
Need help? Check out our Austlii help guide.
Provides statistics on a broad range of subject areas including government, economy, education, population.
Need help? Check out our ABS help guide.
Includes company and industry profiles, country and market research reports, product reviews and SWOT analyses.
Need help? Check out our EBSCO help guide.
Search multiple EBSCO databases based in your subject area.
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Company, industry, economic and geopolitical market research information from Hoover's Company Profiles, OxResearch and Snapshots.
Need help? Check out our ProQuest help guide.
Australia's most comprehensive collection of industry market reports. Each report contains data and analysis on market characteristics, current and forecast performance, major companies and much more. Reports are updated 1-4 times a years.
Need help? Check out our IBISWorld help guide.
Informit databases feature Australian and international research. Collections include family, community, social issues, engineering and public affairs.
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One of the largest database collections in the world. Great starting point for any subject area.
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