Instructions for EndNote online by Holmesglen Library
For further assistance, visit:
EndNote Online help page , Clarivate's Endnote Guide or
EndNote Support for desktop EndNote version.
In this guide you can find:
EndNote is a citation management program that helps you collect and organize your references.
There are two versions of EndNote:
EndNote Online is a web source freely available online for anyone to use.
EndNote 21 is computer software available to higher education students studying at Holmesglen.
To use EndNote successfully, you must know how to Reference.
Check with your teacher to confirm which referencing style is used in your course.
To register an EndNote account, go to You will be brought to the following page:
Click Register to create an account.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
Read the Terms & Conditions carefully, then click I Agree.
You will then be taken to your EndNote account. Bookmark this page for ease of access.