Xhemale Kovaci We can help you with:
Library skills sessions and tours are tailored to suit the subject area and education level of each group or individual.
Choice of on campus or via Webex to suit face-to-face or remote delivery of classes and study.
10-15 minutes
Staff can invite their liaison librarian to present at their course orientation or during a class.
Bookings essential.
15 minutes tour only OR 30 minutes with Library Search
These guided tours provide a brief introduction to the Library’s services, resources and facilities.
Bookings recommended.
60 minutes
These sessions are designed to help students start the research process.
Bookings essential for in class sessions.
By appointment or drop in for individual support.
60 minutes
These sessions are designed to help students cite and reference their sources.
Bookings essential for in class sessions.
By appointment or drop in for individual support.
60 minutes
By appointment or drop in for individual support.
Email Xhemale Kovaci | Want to suggest a resource for the Library to purchase? Simply email your liaison librarian with the details. |
Chadstone 9564 1548 / Building 8, Level 1 Email: infodesk@holmesglen.edu.au Web: Ask a question |
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