Here are some suggested key books to get you started. To access the full range of books, search the Library.
Comprehensive collection of Nursing and Allied Health articles. 1300 journals have full text and over 5000 are indexed.
Need help? Check out our CINAHL help guide.
One of the largest database collections in the world. Great starting point for any subject area.
Need help? Check out our ProQuest help guide.
Provides authoritative information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, etc.
Need help? Check out our EBSCO help guide.
The US National Library of Medicine that includes a huge collection of citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals.
A collection of evidence-based resources designed to assist in the clinical decision-making process and to support best practice. Now available through Ovid databases.
Need help? Check out our Joanna Briggs help guide.