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Ebooks and Books on nursing theory

Here are some suggested key books to get you started. To access the full range of books, search the Library

Book chapters for nursing theory.

Bolton, A., and Gaskett, M. (2021). Nursing: the evolution of a profession. In G Koutoukidis and K Stainton, (eds). Tabbner’s nursing care theory and practice (8th ed., Chapter 1. pp 1-26,). Elsevier.
Place a hold on a print copy or  available on ClinicalKey Student Nursing.


Hall, H., Glew, P. J., and  Rhodes, J, (eds.). (2022). Fundamentals of nursing and midwifery : a person-centred approach to care (4th ANZ edn.  Chapter 9. pp 174 - 196.) Wolters Kluwer. Place a hold on a print copy


Conroy, Y., Feo, R., Alderman, J., and Kitson, A. (2021). Building nursing practice: The fundamentals of care framework. In J. Crisp, C. Douglas, G. Rebeiro, and D. Waters. (eds). Potter and Perry’s Fundamentals of nursing. (6th ANZ ed. Chapter  2 , pp19 -33.)  Elsevier.
Place a hold on a print copy  or  available on ClinicalKey Student Nursing.


 DeLaune, S.C., Ladner, P. K.,  McTier, L., Tollefson, J., and  Lawrence, J. (2020).  Fundamentals of nursing. (2nd ANZ ed.  Chapter, 1, pp 2 -27). Cengage Learning Australia. Place a hold on a print copy


Broadbent, M. (2021). Nursing theories and conceptual frameworks. In A Berman, G Fransden, S.J. Snyder, T Levett-Jones,, A Burston, T  Dwyer, M Hales N Harvey, T  Langtree, L  Moxham, K  Reid Searl. F  Rolf, D Stanley, (eds).Kozier and Erb’s Fundamentals of nursing concepts process and practice. (5th ed, Chapter 3, pp 39-55.) Pearson Australia.
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