Here are some suggested key books to get you started. To access the full range of books, search the Library.
Bolton, A., and Gaskett, M. (2021). Nursing: the evolution of a profession. In G Koutoukidis and K Stainton, (eds). Tabbner’s nursing care theory and practice (8th ed., Chapter 1. pp 1-26,). Elsevier.
Place a hold on a print copy or available on ClinicalKey Student Nursing.
Hall, H., Glew, P. J., and Rhodes, J, (eds.). (2022). Fundamentals of nursing and midwifery : a person-centred approach to care (4th ANZ edn. Chapter 9. pp 174 - 196.) Wolters Kluwer. Place a hold on a print copy
Conroy, Y., Feo, R., Alderman, J., and Kitson, A. (2021). Building nursing practice: The fundamentals of care framework. In J. Crisp, C. Douglas, G. Rebeiro, and D. Waters. (eds). Potter and Perry’s Fundamentals of nursing. (6th ANZ ed. Chapter 2 , pp19 -33.) Elsevier.
Place a hold on a print copy or available on ClinicalKey Student Nursing.
DeLaune, S.C., Ladner, P. K., McTier, L., Tollefson, J., and Lawrence, J. (2020). Fundamentals of nursing. (2nd ANZ ed. Chapter, 1, pp 2 -27). Cengage Learning Australia. Place a hold on a print copy
Broadbent, M. (2021). Nursing theories and conceptual frameworks. In A Berman, G Fransden, S.J. Snyder, T Levett-Jones,, A Burston, T Dwyer, M Hales N Harvey, T Langtree, L Moxham, K Reid Searl. F Rolf, D Stanley, (eds).Kozier and Erb’s Fundamentals of nursing concepts process and practice. (5th ed, Chapter 3, pp 39-55.) Pearson Australia.
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