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Google and Google Scholar

Export Citations to EndNote

Set up

  1. Go to Google Scholar. Select Settings from the Menu.
  2. Under Bibliography manager, click Show links to import citation into and select EndNote.

Search and save citations

  1. Search Google Scholar and find an article of interest.
  2. Under the article, click on Import into EndNote.
    screenshot showing Import into Endnote link

Import into EndNote program

  1. Open the saved file.
  2. You may be prompted to enter your EndNote credentials.
  3. EndNote will tell you that the reference was added successfully.
  4. Check your references for accuracy. You may need to manually edit them. 

Import into My EndNote Web (online)

  1. Open MyEndNoteWeb in your internet browser. Select Collect tab, and then Import References.
    MyEndNoteWeb import citation screeenshot
  2. File: Select the downloaded citation file.
  3. Import Option: Select EndNote Import.
  4. To: Select where you want to save the citation, including [unfiled] or create a new group.
  5. To see what you have recently imported, click on My References. Sort by added to library – newest to oldest to view recently imported citations. Check your references for accuracy. You may need to manually edit them.

To learn more about using EndNote, visit our EndNote guide.