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Fitness and Recreation

Links and online resources

Clearing house for sport

Brings together Australia’s leading sport and active recreation agencies—using the Australian Sports Commission as the principal information coordination point—to share news, evidence and insights about sport, human performance, and physical activity.

Can also sign up for a free membership to receive daily email summary of news and research and access publications and reports.


The Conversation

Fitness collection of research based news and analysis.

Sport Fact Sheets from Sports Medicine Australia

A range sport-specific fact sheets on injury prevention, advice for taking care of junior players and how to deal with common injuries to create a healthier and more active community.

Policies & Guidelines - Sports Medicine Australia

To help achieve its vision of ‘Healthy communities through Sports Medicine’, SMA produces a number of policies and guidelines to promote safety, and the health and wellbeing of athletes, staff, volunteers, families and communities.

Sports Injuries - facts sheets from Sports Medicine Australia

Sports Medicine Australia has produced an injury fact sheet series highlighting prevention and management for 12 of the most common sporting injuries.