Holmesglen offers the following services to help you find a job
- Student Services (at Chadstone, Glen Waverley and Moorabbin) regularly advertises job openings for students. We also have counsellors who can help you:
- Write resumes and cover letters
- Respond to key selection criteria
- Develop your interview skills
- Improve your telephone techniques
Email Student Services
Chadstone campus
Where: Building 7, Level 1, Room 7.1.12 (near the main cafeteria)
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8.30am - 5pm
Contact: 03 9564 1649
Moorabbin campus
Where: Building 4, Level 1, Room M4.1.303 (opposite the canteen)
Hours: Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5pm
Contact: 03 9209 5680
Glen Waverley campus
Where: Building 1, Room 1.29
Hours: Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5pm (reception services closes at 4.30pm)
Contact: 03 9564 6317