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Holmesglen Library: borrowing information


How to borrow?

  • A current student card must be presented.
  • Students can have a maximum of 15 items.

Find out how many items you can borrow and for how long using the table below:

Books 15 7 / 14 Day 12* $0.20 per day
LD (Language Development)
15 14 Day 12* $0.20 per day
Journals/ Periodicals 15 7 Day 12* $0.20 per day
DVDs 15 Overnight loan / 7 Day       12* $0.20 per day
Academic reserve collection 2 3 Hours use in Library N/A $0.20 per hour
Calculators 1 Same day loan N/A $0.20 per hour


*Your item(s) are automatically renewed on the due date unless: 

  • A hold has been placed on the item. 
  • You have reached renewal limit.
  • You have a Library fine/bill of $10.00 or more. 
  • Your privilege has expired.

Hold requests

You can place a hold on up to 5 items.

  • Holds can be placed on an item if available on the shelves, on loan, or at another campus Library.
  • Academic Reserve items cannot be placed on hold. 

To place a hold

Find the item you would like to place on hold in the Library catalogue

  1. Type in your student ID number (100XXXXXX).
  2. Your password is your date of birth (DDMMYYYY).
  3. Choose the campus Library you would like to collect the item from. 

Alternatively, you can visit or call one of the campus libraries and ask the Library staff to place a hold for you. 

Collect your hold

You will receive an email letting you know that your hold is available to collect from the branch you selected. You will have 7 days to collect the item before it goes back on the shelves. Items can be picked up from the Library service desk.

Cancel your hold

To cancel your hold, go to:

  • Type in your student ID number (100XXXXXX).
  • Your password is your date of birth (DDMMYYYY).

Email notification

Library emails are sent from Add this email address to your safe sender list to avoid missing any notifications.

Courtesy emails

  • A reminder email is sent on the due date, letting you know either:
    • Your item(s) have been renewed.
    • Your item(s) have not been renewed.
    Please return the item(s) that cannot be renewed as soon as possible to avoid fines.


  • Items returned late will accumulate fines.
  • If you have fines and/or bill amounts more than $10.00, your items cannot be renewed, holds cannot be placed and you will be unable to borrow.
  • As an alternative to payment students can make a donation of non-perishable food, please speak with Library staff for details.  All food donations are placed with Student Wellbeing and distributed to students in need.

Lost or damaged items

You will be required to pay the replacement cost for the lost items, damaged items or items that are overdue more than 30 days, as well as a $10.00 non-refundable processing fee per item, and any overdue fines. Failure to pay for lost or damaged materials may result in the suspension of borrowing.