Moving & handling Essential principles Australian hospitals training manual DVD363.156 WOR
Promoting independence, Making your work environment safer, Risk assessment/transfer plans, Posture & movement, The latest movement & handling techniques in relation to: Beds, General transfer situations, Chairs, Support while working, managing a fall, Toileting & washing.
Health & Safety Guidelines in Australian Hospitals Training manual DVD 363.156 WOR
Hazard awareness, Slips, trips & falls, Moving & handling, Emergency response, Electrical safety, Heat hazards, Infection control, Hygiene guidelines, Security, Hazardous substances, Laundry & kitchen safety, Waste disposal, Aggression management, Stress management. Accompanies a DVD.
DVD 363.156 WOR
Aggression, Challenging behavior, Risk assessments, Incident reporting, Reducing the risk of challenging behaviour, Protection measures for hospital personnel, Promoting patient compatibility, Communication skills, Conflict resolution, Managing aggressive situations, Employee stress.
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