Introduces medical terms to readers who have little or no prior knowledge of the language of medicine. Breaks words into their component parts and applies knowledge through exercises and examples from patient care. Contains fill-in exercises and diagrams. Includes a list of associated words that are often used in combination with specific medical terms in patient records and medical publications. For foundation level nursing and allied health students.
Build a working medical vocabulary quickly with Chabner's Medical Terminology: this text helps you master the basics of medical vocabulary - including the most frequently encountered suffixes, prefixes, and word roots. NEW! Additional case studies provide examples of medical terminology in the context of patient care and procedures. NEW! Immunity and COVID-19 Vaccines appendix features topics of current interest, including infectious disease, cancer treatments, medical technologies, and pharmacology.
This tutorial teaches you about medical words. You'll learn how parts of medical words are put together. You'll also find quizzes to check what you've learned.
How to approach medical terms by breaking them up into pieces (prefix, root, suffix). Terms relating to parts of the body, direction, rate, amount, medical procedures and diseases are introduced.
If you ever thought that medical terminology was too complicated for you, here's a great introduction. It will take some of the mystery out of medical language.