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Bloomsbury Visual Arts

Creating a personal account

  1. Go to the top right hand side of the Bloomsbury Visual Arts homepage.
  2. Select Sign in
  3. Select Sign Up Now from the bottom of the pop up box. 
  4. Fill in the form with your name, email address, create a password and then retype the password to confirm it. Tick the boxes and click on Register
  5. A verification email will be sent to the email address you used to sign up
  6. Click on the link in the email and then sign in with your email address and password to verify your account

Benefits of a personal account

Creating a personal account will allow you to:

  • Save chapters - This can be especially useful for when you want to read the chapter later, so you don't forget which chapter you were looking at and/or don't wish to print it
  • Save images - Which can be useful if you want to use them in your assignments
  • Save searches - You can save the searches that you have made to use to search again later
  • Create folders to separate the content you want to save into different sections to make your research much easier