There are two ways to find Kanopy videos:
To find a film, enter the term you are looking for in the search box and press enter on your keyboard or the search button. The most relevant titles will be displayed. You can then use the search filters on the left to filter and narrow your search down to select criteria (such as subject, supplier, year of production, language, etc).
Looking for an exact film title or phrase
Enter your search term in quotation marks to ensure you look for the exact phrase
Example: "Killing Us Softly" will bring up the exact film or "group theory" will bring up films that must have the phrase "group theory".
Looking for two terms
Include the Boolean term "and" between search terms to ensure you get results that must contain both words, not just either word.
Example: searching for "American AND politics" searches for films that must contain both words, not either word)
Wildcard searches:
Include a wildcard "*" on a search term to search for a base character pattern that forms the base of multiple related words that you are looking for
Example: searching for "politic*" will search for anything containing the words politic, politics, political, etc or "wom*n" will search for both women and woman.
Click the BROWSE button (next to the search bar) to view a list of subjects.
Videos are sorted into broader categories (eg. The Arts) and more specific categories (eg. Architecture).
Click a subject to view a list of videos related to the subject.