Mission Australia provides youth services across the nation that support young men and women as they journey towards adulthood. Using our research, we develop and deliver support services, and stand up for our young people.
YMCA delivers programs and services at more than 150 locations every day in settings including camps, student accommodation, community recreation and sporting facilities, swimming pools, childcare and early education, schools and kindergartens, youth services and youth justice facilities.
Youth Support + Advocacy Service (YSAS) is a leading youth health not-for-profit agency that enables young people experiencing serious disadvantage to access the resources and support they require to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
Diversity Council Australia is the independent, not-for-profit workplace diversity advisor to business in Australia.
The Commission was established in 1986 by an act of the federal Parliament.
The American Counseling Association is a not-for-profit, professional and educational organization that is dedicated to the growth and enhancement of the counseling profession. Founded in 1952, ACA is the world's largest association exclusively representing professional counselors in various practice settings.
The Australian Association of Social Workers is the professional representative body of social workers in Australia with over 6000 members nation-wide.
Founded in 1969 as the Australian Institute of Welfare and Community Workers Inc, the Australian Community Workers Association is the recognised professional association for welfare and community workers in Australia. The ACWA represents the professional interests of welfare and community workers employed within non-government social welfare agencies, government departments, private practice, self help groups, and social, commercial and industrial enterprises.
BASW is the only professional association for social workers in the UK, with offices in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Their primary aim is to promote the best possible social work services for all people who may need them, while also securing the well-being of social workers. BASW is not a trade union, but offers a range of services to improve the protection of members in the workplace.
Carers provide unpaid care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness or who are frail.
More than one in eight Australians provide care of this kind. Carers Australia and the network of carers associations in each state and territory's purpose is to improve the lives of carers. Together, they provide important services like counselling, advice, advocacy, education and training.
Family Relationships Online provides all families (whether together or separated) with access to information about family relationship issues, ranging from building better relationships to dispute resolution. It also allows families to find out about a range of services that can assist them to manage relationship issues, including agreeing on appropriate arrangements for children after parents separate.
Safe and Equal is the peak body for specialist family violence services that provide support to victim survivors in Victoria. We are an independent, non-government organisation that leads, organises, advocates for, and acts on behalf of our members – with a focus across the continuum from primary prevention through to response and recovery.
The Family Law Section is the largest of the Law Council's specialist Sections. Since its inception in 1985, it has developed a strong reputation as a source for innovative, constructive and informed advice in all areas of family law reform and policy development. With a national membership of more than 2300, it is committed to furthering the interests and objectives of family law and family lawyers for the benefit of the community.
The Portfolio Department of Human Services (the Department) includes the Child Support Agency and CRS Australia. Together with its Human Services Portfolio agencies – Centrelink, Medicare Australia and Australian Hearing – the Department works to improve government social and health-related services to all Australians.
The Department of Social Services aspires to be Australia’s pre-eminent social policy agency. Their mission is to improve the lifetime wellbeing of people and families in Australia.
The Australian Institute of Family Studies delivers quality research on family wellbeing. The Institute is an Australian Government statutory agency in the portfolio of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. It was established in February 1980 under the Australian Family Law Act 1975. The Institute conducts research and communicates findings that affect family wellbeing to:
* policy makers;
* service providers; and
* the broader community.
The AIHW is the national agency set up to provide information on Australia's health and welfare, through statistics and data development that inform discussion and decisions on policy and services. The AIHW works closely with all State, Territory and Australian Government health, housing and community services agencies in collecting, analysing and disseminating data.
The Department provides education and development services to children, young people and adults both directly through government schools and indirectly through the regulation and funding of early childhood services, non-government schools and training programs.
The Department of Human Services (DHS) is committed to making a positive difference for Victorians most in need through the provision of housing and community services.
Government in Australia is three-tiered: Commonwealth (or Federal), State and Local. You can find information about how government works in Australia through a number of official websites.
The Black Dog Institute is an educational, research, clinical and community-oriented facility offering specialist expertise in mood disorders - a range of disorders that include depression and bipolar disorder. The Institute was formally launched in February 2002; attached to the Prince of Wales Hospital and affiliated with the University of New South Wales.
Headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation, helping young people aged 12 to 25.
Established in 1997, the Mental Health Council of Australia (MHCA) is the peak, national non-government organisation representing and promoting the interests of the Australian mental health sector, committed to achieving better mental health for all Australians.
The National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction is an internationally recognised research centre that works as a catalyst for change in the alcohol and other drugs field. NCETA is a collaborative venture between Flinders University, the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing and the South Australian Department of Health. NCETA publications include Workforce Development 'TIPS', alcohol and drugs in the workplace and alcohol and drugs in society.
This site is being developed by the Victorian Trades Hall Council's (VTHC) Occupational Health and Safety Unit. The Unit provides training, information and support to health and safety representatives and deputies. The development of the site has been made possible by a grant from WorkSafe Victoria.
The Agency of approximately 100 staff work together with Members to deliver the objectives identified in Safe Work Australia’s strategic and operational plans.
SANE Australia is a national charity working for a better life for people affected by mental illness – through campaigning, education and research.
VALID is committed to the vision of an Australian nation in which people with a disability are empowered to exercise their rights – as human beings and as citizens – in accordance with the United Nations Declarations on Human Rights and the Rights of Disabled Persons.
The VMIAC is the peak Victorian non-government organisation for people who have experience with a mental illness or emotional distress. VMIAC engages in a number of activities, which include information provision, advice, mutual support and self- help, individual, group and systemic advocacy, research and evaluation, and education and training
The Council to Homeless Persons (CHP) is the peak Victorian body representing individuals and organisations with a stake or interest in homelessness. Their ultimate goal is to bring about the end of homelessness in Australia.
Homelessness Australia is the national peak body working to prevent and respond to homelessness in Australia. Homelessness Australia is funded by the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. Homelessness Australia was formed in late 1998 as the Australian Federation of Homelessness Organisations (AFHO). AFHO changed its name to Homelessness Australia (HA) in 2007 to better reflect the sector.
The Australian Council of Social Service is the peak body of the community services and welfare sector and the national voice for the needs of people affected by poverty and inequality. ACOSS' vision is for a fair, inclusive and sustainable Australia where all individuals and communities can participate in and benefit from social and economic life.
The ACTU is the peak union body representing 46 affiliated unions and the interests of almost 2 million workers across Australia.
Representing the interests of approximately 120,000 members across the country, the Australian Municipal, Administrative, Clerical and Services Union, trading as the Australian Services Union or, just simply, the ASU, is one of the largest trade unions in Australia.
Through research, services and advocacy, the Brotherhood of St Laurence helps people experiencing disadvantage at all stages of life, empowering them to build a better future.
For over two decades, Infoxchange has been helping the community to leverage information communication technology to better meet clients' needs and ensure equal access to technology for all members of society.
Mission Australia is an empowering and compassionate community service organisation that has been helping to transform the lives of Australians in need for almost 150 years. Arising historically from various City Missions, including Sydney City Mission, their founding purpose is to meet human need and to give expression to the love of God. They believe in helping Australians in need get back on their feet through Employment, Training, Housing, Family, Youth and Community Services.
Pathways Australia work specifically with community service organisations to help them achieve their important missions.
Samaritans is one of Australia’s largest regional welfare organisations. With over 530 employees and 520 volunteers, Samaritans provides a range of services for children, youth, families and those with disabilities. Every week, Samaritans provides assistance to 250 families experiencing disadvantage in our local community. Samaritans provides food and utility vouchers, clothing and referrals but our staff are seeing a growing number of people experiencing homelessness.
The St Vincent de Paul Society’s members and volunteers provide practical support, advocacy and friendship to the most vulnerable in our community through local groups, known as conferences, as well as Vinnies Centres and Soup Vans. The Society also provides assistance to migrants and refugees seeking to rebuild their lives in a new country as well as supporting individuals and communities in developing countries.
The Victorian Council of Social Service is the peak organisation of the non-government, social and community services sector in Victoria.
APO is a news service and library specialising in Australian public policy reports and articles from academic research centres, think tanks, government and non-government organisations. As well as research, the site features opinion and commentary pieces, video, audio and web resources focused on the policy issues facing Australia.
The mission of the OECD is to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world. The OECD provides a forum in which governments can work together to share experiences and seek solutions to common problems. The OECD works with governments to understand what drives economic, social and environmental change.